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Creating Plugin

A plugin is a function returning a function that takes a context and returns an object containing hooks. We call it "factory function". The returned hooks are executed during the lifecycle of manifest generation.

Below is an example of a simple plugin that does not return any hooks.

import type { Plugin, PluginContext } from "@kosko/plugin";

export default function (ctx: PluginContext): Plugin {
return {};


A context contains config property that holds the configuration object passed to the plugin. You can create a configuration schema using Superstruct, and use validateConfig function to validate the configuration.

import { type Plugin, type PluginContext, validateConfig } from "@kosko/plugin";
import { object, string } from "superstruct";

const schema = object({
foo: string()

export default function (ctx: PluginContext): Plugin {
const config = validateConfig(ctx.config, schema);

return {};



Available since
  • kosko v4.0.0

This hook is called after a manifest is loaded from filesystem, and before validation. You can use this hook to modify a manifest.

Below is an example of a plugin that modifies the namespace of each manifest. Please don't forget to return the modified manifest. Returning null or undefined will remove the manifest from the result.

import type { Plugin, PluginContext } from "@kosko/plugin";

export default function (ctx: PluginContext): Plugin {
return {
transformManifest(manifest) { = "test";
return manifest;


Available since
  • kosko v4.1.0

This hook is called after a manifest is loaded from filesystem, transformed. If a manifest implements validate method, it will be called first before this hook.

This hook is called no matter validate method fails or not by default, so please keep in mind that input manifest might be invalid. If bail option is set to true, the validation process will stop immediately when an error is reported.

Please note that you should not modify manifest in this hook. Don't modify the issues array directly, use report method instead.

Below is an example of a plugin that checks if the field is set. The severity field can be either error or warning.

import type { Plugin, PluginContext } from "@kosko/plugin";

export default function (ctx: PluginContext): Plugin {
return {
validateManifest(manifest) {
if (! {{
severity: "error",
message: "Name is required"


Available since
  • kosko v4.1.0

This hook is similar to validateManifest, but instead of a single manifest, it receives all manifests. It is called after all manifests are loaded from filesystem, transformed, and validated.

Again, this hook is called no matter validation fails or not by default. You should expect that some manifests might be invalid. If bail option is set to true, the validation process will stop immediately when an error is reported.

Below is an example of a plugin that checks if a namespace defined in metadata.namespace field has a corresponding namespace resource.

import type { Plugin, PluginContext } from "@kosko/plugin";

export default function (ctx: PluginContext): Plugin {
return {
validateAllManifests(manifests) {
const namespaces = new Set<string>();

// Collect namespaces
for (const manifest of manifests) {
if ( === "Namespace") {

// Check if all namespaces are defined
for (const manifest of manifests) {
const namespace =;

if (namespace && !namespaces.has(namespace)) {{
severity: "error",
message: `Namespace "${namespace}" is not defined`